Shorehaven believes in sharing resources that help people understand the world we live in. To that end, we will be adding to our library of topics frequently. Please stop by again to see what is new. We also keep topics updated on our Facebook page for your review.
Don D Rosenberg
Mindfuless may seem like some meditation discipline out of each of the average person. But it is a method proven in research to help with stress and mental functioning. It's actually easy to understand and use.
Don Rosenberg
Autogenic Training is a well-researched, well-respected practice, related to self-hypnosis, that helps settle the mind and develop better sleep practices.
Don Rosenberg
In 2 articles, we will show you 20 tips for unterrupting anxious thoughts.
Don Rosenberg
This is the 3rd article in a series on sleep. Check out the first two, 10 Solutions for Better Sleep and The Underestimated, But Crucial Role of Sleep in Mental Health.
Don Rosenberg
Sleep is essential to better mental health. Reduced sleep contributes to poorer mental health. Poorer mental health contributes to educed sleep. So, sleep quality can be a goal and focus of therapy.
Don Rosenberg
A review of normal sleep, sleep stages, common sleep problems, & the effects of sleep deprivation leads to 10 tips for improving sleep quality.
Don Rosenberg
When you think of holiday stress or holiday blues, what is the first thought you have about it? A positive thought or a troubling thought about this being a stressful time. Consider the more stressful part of it, which for many is the financial cost, for others the emotional cost. You'll find 14 suggestions for how to beat the holiday blues.
Don Rosenberg
We use the term Medical necessity but often the public and professionals are unclear of its meaning. Let's clarify that for you.
Don Rosenberg
I hope it is clear that Shorehaven stands in support of equal opportunity, care, diversity, and justice for every staff member and client and our community, regardless of race or ethnicity, or any other status. We are so aware of structural racism in health care, education, political representation, employment opportunities, housing, earnings, community investment, freedom of movement, and liberty.
Don Rosenberg
C-19 has made significant changes in etiquette. These courtesies are not about the person who thinks he or she is invulnerable, who thinks the disease will not cause severe symptoms. They evolved to protect all the people that person may run into, people who may be at more risk. Like other rules of etiquette, the purpose is to facilitate social interaction and to prevent offense to others.
Don Rosenberg
We made the statement in 2016 when Milwaukee's community reacted to the unjustified death of a citizen of color. I hope we keep alive the drive toward change and justice and make a difference now and forever.
We commonly talk about the idea of closure as some sort of an outcome or endpoint at which we would be satisfied or comfortable. But what if the truth is that closure is not an end point at all, but rather a process by which we seek and hope for resolution of uncomfortable and painful experiences?
Quieting the Anxious Unquiet Mind Part II 10 More Tips
This is the second of three articles on settling our minds. This one includes 10 more tips in our series of 21 exercises and actions you can take to settle the mind.
Autogenic Training Can Help You Sleep
Autogenic Training is a well-respected practice that helps us change behaviors, re-condition our sleep practices, and increase inner peace.
Quieting the Anxious Unquiet Mind - A New Tip
An exercise to interfere with highly anxious thoughts,panicky feelings, nghtmares.
Quieting the Anxious Unquiet Mind Part 1, 10 Tips
The first of 3 articles on quieting the mind of racing or anxious thoughts.
Mindfulness Can Help You Sleep: Overcoming Insomnia
This article on how Mindfulness exercises can improve sleep is the third article in a series on sleep. Check out the first two, 10 Solutions for Better Sleep and The Underestimated, But Crucial Role of Sleep in Mental Health. Future articles will present more psychological help for better sleep. So, let’s discuss mindfulness for sleep. Let’s include how a lack of mindfulness can exacerbate sleep disturbances.
The Crucial Role of Sleep in Mental Health
Sleep is essential to better mental health. Mental health problems can cause or be associated with sleep disturbances. The sleep-wake cycle sometimes reverses, which is common in depression and other
disorders. Sleep problems can make one’s mental health worse. Mental health problems may
make sleep problems worse. Sleep problems should be a focus in therapy.
We help you understand normal sleep, sleep states, common sleep problems, & the impact of sleep deprivation, then we present 10 recommendatons for better sleep.
My 47th Year As A Psychotherapist
Lessons learned from decades of treating hundreds of clients and training numerous of new clinicians.
The Curious, Fascinating Psychology of Mask Wearing: Part 2
The Curious, Fascinating Psychology of Mask Wearing: Part 1
The Right Stance - The Therapist's Stance Toward the Client
An introduction to the therapeutic listening perspective, the way to observe communications.
Lessons from Month of Psychotherapy Teletherapy in COVID-19 Days
From the Mind of a Child with Reactive Attachment Disorder
A story by a wise child with RAD – my story for my parents of my life, mind, brain, emotions and behavior.
Flourishing in Your Internship
3900 W. Brown Deer Rd, Ste 200
Brown Deer WI 53209
4370 S. 76th St.
Greenfield, WI 53228
6233 Durand Avenue, Ste F
Racine, WI 53406